Wednesday 29 November 2006

The next game in the middle east and the importance of awarness

Mustafa Hamido
Thursday, November 30, 2006

We have to persuade that Syria is targeted by the American allies in the Middle East. Those allies are too dangerous on Syrian national security. As the did at the beginning of 1980's by supporting what they later accused them by terrorists(Al-Ikhwan) they will as soon as we expect support terrorist groups to disturb the Syrian security. The argument which will be used in these operations is a sectarian one. It will be a kind of what is going on in Iraq. Jordan had supported many terrorsit groups during 1980's and trained them in a special camps operated by the prince of the crown in that time prince Hassan Bin Tallal. Saddam Hussein has done the same thing by exporting bombs which have been used in many massacres happened in that time. Saudi Arabia which had backed some of these operations is not too far from the next game. We must be aware to fail that plans and to be ready for our counter attack.

هل يمكن ان نصدق بأنهم بريئون؟

مصطفى حميدو30\11\2006

هل نصدق بأن القوات اللبنانية بأنها قد جنحت للسلم بعد تاريخ حافل بالقتل و المجازر؟ من الصعب أن نصدق. ما تم كشفه مؤخرا من أسلحة مع عناصر تابعين لها يتدربون على السلاح و ما كشف عن خرائط ضبطت بحوزتهم لمنطقة الرابية حيث يسكن العماد ميشيل عون دليل لا يقبل النفي الا من العميان بان القوات اللبنانية تخطط لقتل الجنرال عون.الأمر ليس مصادفة البتة. ارجعوا الى سيناريو اغتيال بيير الجميل(قاتل يقتل عنصري) الذي اتهمنا فيه القوات اللبنانية لتروا هذا التشابه بين ما تم ضبطه و ما تم اغتياله به.هل كان من الصدفة أن يغتال بعملية كومندوز ضبطت أدواتها كاملة من سيارات مموهة الأرقام و اسلحة و معدات مع عناصر القوات؟ السؤال هو للعقول التي تريد ان تفهم أما تلك التي لا تريد فهي بالتأكيد ضالعة في عمليات القتل سواء بتغطية القوات اللبنانية او بالشراكة معها.

Tuesday 21 November 2006

قاتل يقتل عنصري

الثلاثاء‏، 21‏ تشرين الثاني‏، 2006
مصطفى حميدو

قتل صاحب نظرية النوعية اللبنانية في بييروت اليوم برصاص قاتل هو سمير جعجع. جعجع الخارج من السجن للانتقام وجد الفرصة مناسبة لقتل ابن من كان عدوه في الماضي و لينسف تنسيق المعارضة المتحفزة للنزول الى الشارع. المثير في القتل أن احد مرافقي بيير الجميل القتيل وجد مقتولا بعد حادثة الاغتيال مما يعيدنا بالذاكرة الة مقتل أحد الشهود على محاولة اغتيال مروان حمادة بعد ساعات من المحاولة. القاتل سمير جعجع يلعب اليوم دور صانع الأحداث الأمنية اللبنانية عبر اعادة احياء مليشياته الارهابية صاحبة الصولات و الجولات في قتل الناس و تهجيرهم طوال فترة الثمانينات المرعبة.المثير أيضا أن الاغتيال تم في منطقة مسيحية قواتية حسب الأنباء الواردة من بيروت و أن كواتم صوت قد استخدمت في الاغتيال مما يعيدنا في الذاكرة الى أخبار كانت نشرت في صحف بيروت عن ضبط الجمارك اللبنانية لكواتم صوت في طرد موجه للسفارة الأمريكية في بيروت مما يقوي الشكوك حول امكانية مساعدة مقدمة من السفارة الأمريكية لعملية الاغتيال.

Sunday 19 November 2006

The need of a real reform, Cham as example

The need of a real reform, Cham as example
Monday, November 20, 2006
Mustafa Hamido

I stopped talking about the serious need for reform in Syria due to the western pressure on Syria during last two years. That not means that the reform is not a national demand. Of course we have a lot of problems in Syria. Who deny that deny the fact which all know. I think that the authority must free itself from any fear. We aren't asking for regime change, we only one a space of freedom to Talk in our affairs and our hopes. Syria which is considered as one of the key players in the Middle East doesn't have a real media which can back it and support its project which is based on resistance. Cham which was to be the first Syrian voice in private media in Syria had shutdown. That step was anti-Syria. Yes it is anti –Syria. I can only forgive the government if it proves that a Saudi money in involved in its creation. All Syrian know that the money which creates it is totally Syrian. I don't know if its shutdown will continue. I only know that if it has been given a permission to broadcast, it will take a long time to re-install the programs and preparing for good picture and good broadcasting.

Thursday 16 November 2006

O.k Wait the end

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Mustafa Hamido

Despite all what we see, we can say easily that it is almost the end of American ambitions in the Middle East. America and during decades was a symbol of democracy and human rights. When that symbol becomes a tool of invading and occupying independent countries, America has been transferred to a colonial and imperial power. All its manners become valueless. When you talk with any one in the Middle East you will get a conclusion of respect less and hatefulness of America. It is the fact which America used to ask about its reason. Lebanon may be the last filed of America in The Middle East. It tries to seize this small state backing from allies (Hariri, Junmblat…) of its ally (Saudi Arabia) fulfill its model which it failed to do in Iraq. If we take a look on Iraq, We will see how much America was stupid when it used the allies of Iran to rule that country. The opposite it did in Lebanon by using the Sunni's Extremists which are the allies of Wahabism in Saudi to defeat Hezbollah, The Iran's favorite ally in the Middle East. Some thing very strange is what America is doing. It has not a firm strategy or even a goal. Its pragmatic goal is the smell of oil which can't be a persuasion goal without a real argument. In 2001, America had a good argument to market it as a reason of Afghanistan Invasion. That invasion hadn't faced by protests. Sepemper/11 was still in minds. Thousands who died in that morning had been used to promote the morality of that invasion. America lacked that advantage in the prepating period if Iraq's invasion. The same faults America is doing nowadays and we will all wait to see what will happen.

Tuesday 14 November 2006

بنات الرياض ...محاولة صناعة كاتبة من لا شيء!

بنات الرياض هي رواية أقرب ما تكون الى الفضائحية منها الى النص الأدبي الرصين. رسائل متبادلة بين شابات تحولت الى رواية ضخم الاعلام السعودي أهميتها و نفخ في صاحبتها حتى أضحت في فترة قصيرة نجمة الأدب السعودي. المثير أن الرواية تم ربطها بنهضة يتوهمها هذا الاعلام في الجسد السعودي مروجين لكفاءات محبوسة بفعل السلطة الدينية المسيطرة دون التطرق الى سلطة سياسية متحالفة معها.نقدم اليوم هذه الرواية و نقول بفخر أنها نسخة غير قانونية! تحميل

Iranian Investments in Syria


Iran’s foreign contracts in the technical and engineering service sectors last year, hit around $1.5 billion.
Building a cement production plant in Syria valued at $200 million, construction of residential units in Venezuela valued at $400 million and a $250m contract to build a power plant in Nigeria are among the major foreign projects currently being developed by Iranian contractors.
Export of the technical and engineering services are included in the development of the nation’s non-oil exports programs, a statement released on Sunday by Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) said. Given the government’s all-out support, it is expected that the contracts, services and the target markets to grow and vary significantly in the near future, the Persian service of ISNA quoted parts of the statement.
The government is outlining an incentive package based on which Iranian foreign contractors would be directly or indirectly supported, the report said adding that upon implementation, the act would lead to the significant growth in the exports of the technical and engineering services by the end of the nation’s Fourth Five-Year Socioeconomic Development Plan (2004-2009).

Friday 3 November 2006

عبد الرحمن الراشد:إذا راجعت خُطب عبد الناصر، تجدها لغة بذيئة وشوارعية مثل خُطب صدام حسين

أليبوس العربية
‏الجمعة‏، 03‏ تشرين الثاني‏، 2006

نص الحوار

وصف عبد الرحمن الراشد مدير قناة العربية و رئيس التحرير السابق لصيفة الشرق الأوسط خطب الرئيس المصري السابق جمال عبد الناصر بالشوارعية و البذيئة واصفا خطب معاصره السعودي فيصل بالمحترمة و الراقية جاء ذلك في مقابلة مع صحيفة المدينة السعودية نشرتها اليوم و نشرها لاحقا موقع العربية نت التابع لقناة العربية. و لم يوفر الراشد أي مختلف مع سياسة السعودية من هجومه مركز على قطر واصفا السياسة القطرية بـ"حالة الشيزوفرينيا" والازدواجية. الراشد بدا مدافعا عن الشرق الأوسط و اتهامها بالخضوع للأجهزة الأمنية واصفا الطريق التي تدار بها بالمهنية المتبعة للأساليب التحارية محاولا تفنيد الاتهامات لها بشراء الذمم

A step forward, A lot backward

Mustafa Hamido

The decision of closing Cham Satellite channel last week is totally wrong. Syria , since 2003, is facing a kind of a cold war where media is used and propagate for the enemy. Since that time , we failed in finding a tool to defend ourselves by using our traditional media tools. We can't forget Al-arabiya news channel which is used last year to inform the world that Khadam has become anti-Syria and its meeting .We were disable to do anything. We were happy and we informed that a Syrian New channel was preparing to broadcast as soon as it can. That was a kind of celebrity for me at least. I wait till the begiingof Ramadan when I watch its broadcasting lacking the political sense which it promised that it will enrich it after Ramadan. The Surprise was at the same day of its first news bulletin. It is closed. This is the most bad news which I heard in last two months. I searched for my question, Why?, however I did't find any real and logical answer. It is a fault to close what most of Syrians believe that it is a kind of hope in the future.

