Saturday 28 October 2006

الانكشاف : مقاطع الأفلام العربية الممنوعة أضحت في متناولك

الانكشاف : مقاطع الأفلام العربية الممنوعة أضحت في متناولك
مصطفى حميدو
‏السبت‏، 28‏ تشرين الأول‏، 2006

انها الفرصة لكشف كل التابوهات التي ظلت تسيطر على حياتنا طوال عقود و عقود.هل نحن مجتمع للفضيلة أم ان الفضيلة هي عند البعض رأي و الرأي دائما يقبل الجدل؟ في خضم الثورة الأللكترونية التي نعيشها ، يعود الينا تاريخ كبير من الممنوع أرخى بظلاله على حقائق ظل البعض يطمسها او يشوهها. الفن للفن و الفن للمجتمع.......الى أخر هذه النظريات التي سوقت لنا على أساس اننا سذج لا نفهم ، تغرنا الكلمات الكبيرة و المصطلحات الرنانة فنطأطأ رؤوسنا متظاهرين بالموافقة و القبول و قبل كل شيء الفهم مع اننا أبعد الناس عنه. أليسوا يقولون عنه بأنه عصر للصورة و الصوت؟ كل شيء مكشوف فيه حتى انهم ريما يصورونك في فراشك مع زوجتك أو .... أليست هناك أخبار عن ألات تصوير تخترق الجدران و أخرى تراقف الأنفاس؟!هذا كله يبقى في اطار الانكشاف المرغمين عليه،نحن لم نقرره و لم نختاره بل هم أولئك الذين يراقبون من يريدون وفقا لمعطيات هم يقررونها و هم يفرضونها، لكن السؤال يبقى عن ذلك الانكشاف الذي نختاره و نقرره ثم يمنع ثم تأتي التكنولوجيا بكل ما فيها لتقول لنا تفضلوا و احصلوا على ما قطع او حذف أو حتى منع نهائيا. لست كبيرا لأتذكر شمس البارودي. نقل لي المثير عن جمالها (الذي خبا الأن) و أفلامها التي كانت تلهب المشاعر لملايين من المحيط الى الخليج. السؤال الملح و الذي يلامس ضمير كل عربي بل كل شرقي و هو، هل يبرر العمل مهما كان نوعه التعري أمام اناس في ثقافتنا المتوارثة ليس من حقنا التعري أمامهم؟ سؤالي هذا ليس وجها للانثى دون الذكر بل هو للاثنين معا لأن ما ينطبق على الأنثى ينطبق على الذكر كون القيم واحدة و كل تطرف في فرضها على طرف دون الأخر هو ساقط. أعود الى شمس البارودي التي اعتزلت و "تابت" . سؤالي هنا ، هل كان من الضروري الظهور كما ظهرت في سلسلة أفلام هي أقرب للبورنو منها للفن كي تتوب بعد ذلك؟ ليس من الضروري أن أجيب بدلا منها. البعض قد يقول أنها كانت ظروفا و مرت بحالها و ان السيدة الأن قد "تابت" و أنها قد أضحت "داعية" الى الله في عصر العهر الفضائي. قد يكون ذلك مقبولا و قد لا يرى معظم هذا الجيل أفلامها بل قد تنسى بعد فترة و لا تذكر الا على صفحات كتب التاريخ و على ألسنة المتخصصين . كل ذلك جائز ، لكن التكنولوجيا الحديثة تأبى أن تريح هذه السيدة و غيرها من الماضي. أنا هنا لا أدعي علما بأن ضميرها يعذبها ما فعلته في الماضي. في نظري الماضي هو الماضي ، وقت مر ، فعلنا فيه شيئا قد نكون أصبنا و قد نكون أخطأنا ، النهم أنه ذهب الى غير رجعة، لا نستطيع محيه و لا حتى العودة عن أي فعل قمنا به.

كنت صغير عندما سمعت لأول مرة عن ميرفت أمين و عن نجلاء فتحي و شمس البارودي.....كنت كذلك صغيرا عندما عرفت بأن لهؤلاء مقاطع ساخنة لا تعرض الا في سينمات الأزقة المعتمة الضيقة و الرطبة التي توجد في الكثير من المدن العربية. أبي كان معجبا بنجلاء فتحي . لا أعرف م الذي أعجبه بها . أنا أفضل ميرفت أمين عنها . تثيرني أكثر ز تعجني ...و خلص. كنت أسترق السمع لأحاديث الكبار عن أفلام هذه و أفلام الأخرى حتى رأيت فيلما من هذه الأفلام ليخيب أملي بعدها و لاتهم من أخبرني عن الاثارة فيها بعدم الصدق. كنت أقابل بنوع من الابتسامة الماكرة التي تخفي أكثر مما تصرح. ظللت مقاطعا لكل أفلام تلك الحقبة(السبعينات) التي تفتقد لأدنى العناصر الفنية من أخراج و تصوير و تمثيل. كنت أستغرب قيام منتجين بانتاج أفلام كهذه . لم أجد الجواب لاستغرابي هذا الا عندما أسر لي بأن كل ما رأيته ليس الا شيئا مبتورا غير كامل و بان أي فيلم كهذا لا بد الا أن يحتوي على شيء يجذب الناس. سألت عن هذا الشيء فكان الجواب: الجنس.
اذا هذه الأفلام هي أفلام "بورنو" لكنها من نوع محافظ تكتفي فقط بالايماء و الايحاء لتطلق العنان لحمهور المشاهدين للتخيل و الاثارة التي قد لا تكون بالضرورة موجودة في هذه الأفلام.
كل المقاطع المحذوفة و المصادرة و الممنوعة من هذه الأفلام أصبحت سهل المنال. انها ثورة الانترنت التي لا تعرف حدودا . مئات من مواقع الفيديو أصبحت موجودة و بالطبع فات للعرب سبقا في اتاخة غير المتاحة و جعل الكل يطلع على غير المباح، فاستمتعوا يا رعاكم الله و حفظكم.

Friday 27 October 2006

Water Conflicts

Mustafa Hamido

How many days we can spend without water? It is a serious question : however, the more serious is the fact that the world specially in Africa doesn’t have the enough sources of water that can help millions to survive. Millions of people are threatened by rainlessness and conflicts between tribes in the southern Sahara. Before two days , The Niger government had decided to expel Arabs Bedouin from Niger due to Water conflicts with African tripes. Till now , no body knows if this step will lead to a firm solution pf Water Crisis but we all know that the water is a major problem for millions world wide.

Thursday 26 October 2006

A new internet radio Station

I have a good collection of Arabic classical Music. I have hoped that in one day i will be able to establish my own radio station. I have heard a lot about those who are usibg the internet to broadcast their own radio stations. I search a lot about who can help me in establishing my own station hut I failed. I continue my searching till I found a site which really helped me. I am broadcasting my station now on . It is about Arabic classical music with a liitle bit policy. please visit and enjoy. You need to download a 500kb file and then GO...Go. Visit and you will get more details.

Sunday 22 October 2006

ماذا يريد حكام السعودية بالضبط من هذا الشرق؟

مصطفى حميدو
‏الاحد‏، 22‏ تشرين الأول‏، 2006

ماذا يريد حكام السعودية بالضبط من هذا الشرق؟ انهم يخربونه كما ورد في الحديث عن نجد و أن منها يخرج قن الشيطان. انها واضحة اذا ... حكام أل سعود هم قرن الشيطان الذي دأب على اثارة الفتن و نقلها من قطر الى أخر. كل ذلك في سبيل الحفاظ على حكم تقوى دعائمه بمال البترول الذي أضحى نقمة على هذه المنطقة و شعوبها.ماذا اذا وجد بديل لهذا البترول؟ هل ستتبخر هذه القوة التي لا تستمد الا من مال دون تاريخ و حضارة؟ نجد كانت قبل البترول عبارة عن قفارى تسكنها الرياح. أضحت بالبترول تحكم و تفسد . لسورية مع مالها قصة طويلة. القصة بدأت مع تشرذم الطبقة السياسية الفاسدة بعد الاستقلال بين ثلاث ولاءات. ولاء للعراق و أخر لمصر و أخر و بالطبع للسعودية. كل الانقلابات التي حصلت في تلك الفترة و حتى العام 1958 لم تكن بعيدة عن هذه الولاءات. السياسيون هم تجار ، لكن تجارتهم هي الأوطان يبيعونها و يشترونها كيفما اتفق . كل شيء يهون في مقابل حفظ الكصالح و تكديس المال. السعودية تريد لسورية أن تكون ساحة لعملائها المشترون بالمال. اسألوا نهاد الغادري و هو سيخبركم أساليب التقلب وو سائله.باختصار فان السعودية تريد لسورية أن يكون نموذجا لبنانيا يسهل اللعب فيه . تريدنا مشيخة أل سعود فرعا لشركتها الصغيرة في لبنان. تريد سياسيين يتزلفون لرؤية الملك طل عمره و لا تريد دولة تعاملها بالمثل و ترد الصفعة بأخرى أقوى منها ان هي صفعت.هرولة السياسيين اللبنانيين اليها تريدها نموذجا يجب على الكل أن يقتدي به. الاجتماع الاخير للأطراف العراقية في مكة هو اشارة لما خططت اليه من أجل هذا البلد. لقد أرادت أن تكون قبلة لسياسي العراق الجدد الخالين من أي حس وطني . أدرك جيدا أن الجذور و الأصول ستنتصر في النهاية على البداوة و الخيام المتنقلة، لكن أسوء ما في هذه اللحظات أن عنزة أكثر القبائل العربية لصوصية تحكم العرب. أحن الى رؤية مسلسل هجرة القلوب الى القلوب الذي عرضه التلفزيون السوري في بداية التسعينات لأستحضر كيف كانت عصابات عنزة تغير على القرى و تقتل. لقد اقتبس أل سعود تاريخ عنزة ووظفوه بطريقة عصؤية يلعب فيه برميل البترول دور البندقية. انظروا الى الدول العربية غير النفطية كيف تغزى من قبل دولاراتهم و كيف تشترى مرافقها من قبلهم و بأبخس الأثمان. خم يريدون تاريخا و جذورا لا يمكن أن يجدوها في فيافي صحرائهم المقفرة. دولاراتهم تشتري حتى التاريخ و الأصول.

The secularism and Islam

Mustafa Hamido

I believe in God But I have a lot of questions which need a serious answers. In Quran , Our god is telling us that those who are killing and stealing will be accounted by god once upon a day. When you ask who can understand the quran very well, when that will happen,some tell you that some people are accounted during their lifes and others after their died. If we apply that on the political life we can see clearly that only a few of politicians are accounted during their lifes and we can see that some who are betraying their nations and religion are on the top of our nations and we can see any sign that their god mya acciunt them. Some "Sheiks" give them a license to do all they need and they want with out any limits. For example , Invading Iraq in 2003 was not face by any declare from those that this is not pernited and all the nation have to face it and fight aginst invaders. Only those who are accused that they are terrorists declare that. We can’t accept a ot of their views, However , they were the only side who alloud their voices. We need the religion to be far from the policy, however , our rulers can’t accept that. They are using the religion to take what they want , whnever they want . I bekive in secularism and I think it is the only way that can treat all our problems. The Religion when it is given its freedom of thinking will give us a good example of its purity.

Friday 20 October 2006

The need of real development

Mustafa Hamido

Let us develop what we think a solution for all the historical conflicts in the eastern Arab lands.A solution is simply based on our right in gaining enough power to defend oursleves and to prohibit any body who wants to interfer in our internal affairs. This choice must be compined with a real econmical and educational revolution. I don't know if this choice is permited in this world. the interests in this world are very complex and integrated. We should try. when I Studied how The British empire had seized the Indian Subcontinent , I realized that there are a lot of those who we consider them as a good citizens ,by the interfering of their intersets with the western multinational companies , may stop any real development to save their and the western colonial interests in our lands.

Wednesday 18 October 2006

خلاصة تاريخية

خلاصة تاريخية

‏الخميس‏، 19‏ تشرين الأول‏، 2006

اللغة الايطالية الحديثة اشتقت أساسا من لهجة أهل توسكانيا الذين يعتبرون أقل المناطق الايطالية تأثرا من ناحية اللغة بالغزاة البرابرة.

أول من كتب بها هو دانتي صاحب الكوميديا الالهية . ظهور اللغة الايطالية جاء متقدما على الفرنسية بنحو قرنين و نيف ، ففي حين أن الايطالية قد ظهرت كلغة كتابة في القرن الثالث عشر ، نرى أن الفرنسية ظهرت في القرن السادس عشر و التي عاصرت بظهورها ظهور اللغة الاسبانية الحديثة عبر المشهور سارفنتز صاحب الدون كيشوت.


Syria will be the solution of Iraqi’s crisis

Syria hadn't support the American invasion of Iraq. It has warned that that invasion will lead to a lot of troubles in Iraq and the middle east. It is  accused that it exports the terrorists to this country. Now , America has found that syria will help if a serious negotiation establishes with it.A srious plane is prepared y US experts to involve syria into the Solution of the Iraqi's Crisis. This plane should consider the foolowing topics to be effective:

1- The Kurdish hopes should be with limits and not opened to any independece ambition.

2- The Kurdish terrorsit groupes should be dissloved and prohibited .

3- American troops which may stay in Iraq for another years sholud not interfer in the internal affairs of neighbor countries.

4- American should put a clear plane to a gradual pull out from Iraq.

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Tuesday 10 October 2006

Rejecting Saudi Terrorism


New polls of Muslims from around the world find large and increasing percentages reject suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians and say they have no confidence in Osama bin Laden. Nonetheless, in most Muslim countries antipathy toward the United States and the West in general has remained negative or even intensified.

These findings emerge from polls conducted in Muslim nations this spring by two organizations: the Pew Global Attitudes Project, which regularly conducts multinational surveys, and Terror Free Tomorrow (TFT), which studies attitudes toward terrorism around the world.

Aftermath of October 12, 2002, bombing of two nightclubs in Bali, Indonesia. (US Dept. of State)

Strong opposition to terrorism was found among Muslims in seven out of ten countries polled by Pew. This is especially true in the Muslim populations of Indonesia, Pakistan and Turkey, where six in ten or more say that “suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilian targets” are “never justified.” The TFT poll of Indonesia and Pakistan found even bigger numbers rejecting all attacks on civilians. Pew also found complete rejection of terrorism among very large majorities of Muslims living in Germany, Britain, Spain and France. Trend line data available for some countries also show a significant increase in those taking this position in Indonesia and a remarkable 23 point increase in Pakistan. Only Turkey showed a slight downward movement.

In two countries complete opposition to terrorism was just under half—Jordan and Egypt. However in Jordan—the country for which trend line data is available—there was a very large increase of 32 points among those saying terrorism is never justifiable. Only in Nigeria did less than a third fully reject terrorism, though an additional quarter said that it could rarely be justified.

On bin Laden, Pew found that majorities in eight of the ten countries said they had little or no confidence in the al Qaeda leader. In Jordan, the proportion of respondents saying they lack confidence in bin Laden has nearly doubled over the past year. The two exceptions are Nigeria and Pakistan, where only about a third say they lack confidence. In Europe, most Muslims say they have no confidence at all in bin Laden: eight out of ten in Germany and France; six out of ten in Great Britain and Spain.

But Muslims’ rejection of terrorist tactics and their repudiation of bin Laden has not resulted in greater acceptance of the United States or its war on terror. Nor do Muslims express less hostility toward the West in general. Instead majorities in all of the Muslim countries hold unfavorable opinions about the United States and feel strong opposition to the U.S.-led war on terror. The surveys also document deeply divergent attitudes on such issues as last year’s publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad.

Rejection of Terrorism

The Pew project and Terror Free Tomorrow asked Muslim respondents whether they believed terrorist violence against civilians was often, sometimes, rarely, or never justified. Pew’s survey found the strongest opposition to terrorism among Indonesian Muslims, where 71 percent say terrorism is never justified and 18 percent say it rarely is. The proportion of Indonesian Muslims who reject terrorism entirely has risen 5 points since 2005 and 17 points since 2002. On the other end of the spectrum, just ten percent of Indonesian Muslims say terrorism is often or sometimes justified, down five points over the past year and 17 points since 2002.

TFT also found that seven out of ten Indonesians (72%) said terrorist attacks were never justified, an increase of 10 points over their 2005 poll. An additional 11 percent said such violence was rarely justified. Only two percent of Indonesians, according to this poll, believe terrorism is sometimes or often justified.

Last October, suicide bombers linked to al Qaeda killed 23 people at three restaurants on the resort island of Bali and in October 2002 coordinated suicide attacks on two nightclubs killed 202 people, mostly Australian tourists. The violence has severely damaged Indonesia’s tourism industry.

Both surveys also show increasing anti-terrorist sentiment in Pakistan. According to Pew, the percentage of Pakistani Muslims who condemn terrorism in all circumstances (69%) is up 23 points from 2005. An additional 8 percent say terrorist attacks are rarely justified. Only 14 percent of Pakistani Muslims are willing to condone terrorism often or sometimes, down from 25 percent last year and 41 percent in 2004.

TFT found even greater opposition among all Pakistanis. Eighty-one percent oppose all terrorism, according to this survey, up eight points from last year. Five percent say it is rarely justified and 11 percent say it is sometimes or often justified.

Pew also surveyed Jordanian Muslims, whose views of terrorist attacks have changed from being mostly positive to largely negative over the past year. Forty-three percent of Jordanian Muslims now say terrorist attacks are never justified, up 32 points from 2005. An additional 28 percent say they are rarely justified. Those who feel such violence can often or sometimes be justified have decreased to 29 percent from 57 percent in 2005.

This shift in Jordanian sentiment occurred after bloody attacks in Amman carried out by terrorists tied to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Suicide bombers blew themselves up at three hotels in November 2005, killing about 60 people, including members of a wedding party.

Turkey is the only country surveyed over time by Pew that bucks the trend of declining support for terrorist violence. Though most Turkish Muslims (61%) say terrorist attacks are never justified, that majority has decreased from last year (66%). An additional 9 percent say violence against civilians is rarely justified and 17 percent say it is often or sometimes justified.

Nearly half of Egyptian Muslims (45%), surveyed only this year by Pew, also say that terrorism is never justified; nine percent say it is rarely justified and 28 percent believe it is often or sometimes justified. Nigerian Muslims were also polled for the first time in 2006 and were the only Muslim population surveyed that tended to favor terrorist violence to defend Islam. Only 28 percent of Nigerian Muslims say that terrorist attacks are never justified. An additional 23 percent say they are rarely justified and 46 percent think such killings are often or sometimes justified.

Pew found overwhelming opposition to terrorist attacks on civilians among Muslims in Europe. Eight in ten (83%) German Muslims say suicide bombings are never justified; seven in ten British and Spanish Muslims (70% and 69%, respectively) and six in ten French Muslims (64% ). There was no trend information available on the Muslim minority in Europe.

Declining Confidence in Osama bin Laden

Trend analysis also shows that the general population in predominantly Muslim countries is increasingly disaffected from Osama bin Laden. Fewer respondents in Muslim countries express confidence in the al Qaeda leader today than in previous years, according to results from both surveys. The most dramatic change among the four countries surveyed over time occurred in Jordan and Indonesia.

In Jordan, the number of those expressing confidence in bin Laden has plummeted over the past year. In Pew’s 2006 survey, a quarter of Jordanians (24%) express some confidence in bin Laden and less than one percent say they have a lot of confidence in him. A year ago, six in ten (60%) expressed confidence in bin Laden, including 25% who had a lot of confidence.

In Indonesia, about a third (33%) say they have confidence in bin Laden, but only 4% express a “lot of confidence” in him. This represents only a small change from last year when 35 percent of Indonesians had confidence in bin Laden, including 8 percent who had a lot of confidence. But it is a significant decrease from 2003 when more than half (58%) of those surveyed said they had some (39%) or a lot (19%) of confidence in bin Laden.

Support for bin Laden has also declined in Pakistan and Turkey, according to the Pew project. Today 38 percent of Pakistanis say they have confidence in bin Laden, including 17 percent who say they have a lot of confidence in him. A year ago, 51 percent said they had confidence in the al Qaeda leader, including 29 percent who expressed a lot of confidence. In Turkey, far smaller proportions have faith in bin Laden. Only four percent of Turks express confidence in bin Laden today compared to 15 percent who did so in 2003. Nigerian Muslims, however, are an exception to this trend: six in ten (61%) say they have at least some confidence in bin Laden, up 15 points since 2003.

TFT polled only Indonesians and Pakistanis on bin Laden, asking respondents in 2006 and 2005 how much confidence they had in him to “do the right thing regarding world affairs.” Over the past year, the proportion of Indonesians expressing some or a lot of confidence in bin Laden declined by half, from 23 percent in 2005 to 12 percent. In Pakistan, however, confidence in the al Qaeda leader has remained unchanged at 33 percent, TFT found.

Negative Views of US Unabated

Less support for terrorist attacks and less confidence in Osama bin Laden, however, has not translated into a more positive view of the United States and its policies. Majorities in all five predominantly Muslim countries surveyed by Pew express unfavorable opinions about the United States. That represents an increase in all but one of the four nations over time. In Indonesia, despite U.S. efforts to aid victims of the December 2004 tsunami, those saying they hold very or somewhat unfavorable opinions about the United States rose from 57 percent in 2005 to 67 percent in 2006. Negative views also increased in Turkey (67% to 76%) and Jordan (80% to 85%). Unfavorable opinion about the United States in Egypt, which was only polled this year, stands at 69 percent.

Moreover, Pew found strong opposition to U.S.-led efforts to fight terrorism. All of the Muslim countries surveyed oppose the United States’ global war on terror by margins that have, in most cases, grown larger in recent years. In Turkey, nearly eight in ten (77%) oppose the U.S.-led campaign while only 14 percent favor it. Last year, the margin was 71 percent against and 17 percent for. Eight in ten Nigerian Muslims (77%) also oppose U.S. policies on terror, while only two in ten (19%) support them; in 2003 it was 59 percent vs. 36 percent. About six in ten (57%) of Indonesians oppose U.S. anti-terror efforts today, versus 39 percent in support, while last year half (50%) supported U.S. counterterrorist polices (vs. 42% against).

Only among Jordanians has support for U.S.-led anti-terror efforts grown, though a large majority is still opposed. This year 74 percent say they are against U.S.-led counterterrorism while 16 percent are in favor; last year 86 percent were opposed and 12 percent were in favor. Egyptians, who were only polled this year, are against U.S. efforts by an overwhelming 82 percent, while only 10 percent are in favor.

TFT also found that opinion about the United States was heavily negative. Overwhelming majorities view the United States unfavorably in Saudi Arabia (89%) and the United Arab Emirates (84%). Majorities also hold unfavorable views in Turkey (71%), the Palestinian territories (68%) and Pakistan (64%). Only in Indonesia, does this poll find a population divided somewhat evenly between those with favorable opinions about the United States (44%) and negative ones (41%).

A poll taken in October 2005 by the Anwar Sadat Chair at the University of Maryland and Zogby International found that predominantly Muslim countries saw the United States as a threat to their country. Seven in ten of those polled in six countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates) said Israel (72%) and the United States (69%) were the two countries that posed the biggest threat to them. Far smaller proportions named Great Britain (12%) and Iran (3%).

'Generally Bad' Relations with West

Both Pew and Terror Free Tomorrow have documented that negative attitudes in predominantly Muslim countries are not limited to the United States but extend to relations with the West as a whole. Muslims and Westerners interpret certain issues very differently, such as the controversy over last year’s publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad

The Pew project found that majorities in four of the five Muslim countries and in the Muslim population of Nigeria characterized as “generally bad” relations between Muslims and Western countries such as the United States and Europe. Nigerian Muslims (77%) are the most likely to see relations with the West as bad, followed by Turks (64%), Egyptians (58%) and Indonesians (53%). The exception is Pakistan, where slightly more say relations are good (30%) than bad (25%) but 45 percent are neutral or unwilling to answer. Among respondents saying relations with the West are bad, majorities in all five countries and the Muslim public in Nigeria blame people in Western countries.

The Pew survey also asked Muslims whether they associated a series of positive character traits (generous, tolerant, honest, devout, respectful of women) and negative ones (selfish, arrogant, violent, greedy, immoral, fanatical) with people living in the West. Majorities or pluralities in every Muslim country associate nearly all of the negative traits and almost none of the positive attributes with Westerners.

Pew found, however, that European Muslims were far more positive about the West than those who did not live there. Overall, most European Muslims think that Westerners are generous, tolerant and honest. Majorities in all but one country think that Westerners are respectful of women. The exception is Great Britain, where only half (49%) of the Muslim population believes Westerners respect women.

Overwhelming majorities in predominantly Muslim countries say the controversy over the publication of cartoons depicting Muhammad was the result of “Western nations’ disrespect for the Islamic religion” rather than “Muslim intolerance to different points of view,” according to the Pew poll. Ninety percent of Jordanians cite Western disrespect, 87 percent of Egyptians, 86 percent of Indonesians, 84 percent of Turks and 81 percent of Nigerian Muslims. On this issue, Muslims in Europe are nearly as adamant: 80 percent in Spain, 79 percent in France, 73 percent in Great Britain and 71 percent in Germany choose Western disrespect. That answer puts Muslims at odds with the general population of Europe, where majorities in France (67%), Germany (62%), Great Britain (59%) and Spain (53%) say Muslim intolerance caused the controversy.

The TFT survey also found that majorities in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey and the Palestinian territories viewed the cartoons as a sign of Western hostility toward their religion. Respondents were asked which statement about the decision to publish the cartoons was closest to their opinion: it was an “isolated example that does not reflect the overall views of the West toward Islam;” it reflected “the increasing secular attitudes of the West towards all religions;” or it demonstrated “Western antagonism against Islam itself.” The last statement is favored by wide margins in Pakistan (67% vs. 24% for the other two), Turkey (67% vs. 20%) and Saudi Arabia (65% vs. 35%). Smaller majorities say the cartoons reflect Western antagonism in United Arab Emirates (56% vs. 43%) and the Palestinian territories (52% vs. 46%).


Sunday 8 October 2006

صراع الغرب ضدنا جميعا

‏الاحد‏، 08‏ تشرين الأول‏، 2006

لا تستطيع هذه المنطقة بكال ما فيها من تناقضات الخروج من التاريخ. الخروج منه يعني الموت لمخططات أسر حكمت على أساس هذا التاريخ و ما زالت تحكم بمفعوله. بعد أكثر من ثمانين عامام على ما سمي بالثورة العربية الكبرى ، قليلون هم الذين يتجرؤون على القول بأنها كانت خطأ قاتلا ما زالت المنطقة كلها تدفع ثمنه حتى يومنا هذا. هذه المنطقة تعيش على فوهة بركان الصراع الطائفي. في الأصل لم ينهكها على مدى تاريخها الطويل غير صراعات من هذا القبيل. أشعل البريطانيون احدى الحروب الكثيرة بين الدولة العثمانية و الصفوية عبر ارسال عميل لهم الى طهران ليجلس أمام السفارة العثمانية و يقوم بسب من يعتقد الشيعة أنهم ظلموا عليا. تجمع الناس حوله و شحنت عواطفها الفطلاية ليقوموا و يهاجموا السفارة العثمانية. نحن لا نتعلم أبدا من التاريخ. التاريخ يعيد نفسه في كل مرة و في كل مرة نضع رؤوسنا في التراب و نتظاهر بأننا نحمي مصالحنا مع أننا حتى اليوم لا نعرف حتى تعريف كلمة المصالح. يبدو أن الماسونية تفعل فعلها فينا كما فعلته من قبل . معظم أولئك الذين سموا أنفسهم ثوارا قبل ثمانين عاما كانوا أعضاء لجمعيات و محافل ماسوتية و اليوم....... التاريخ يعيد نفسه و كأن الزمن واقف عند حدودنا يرفض المسير. نحن  في مكاننا منذ ثمانين عاما بل اننا قد اذددنا تخلفا على ذاك التخلف. حاربنا تارة الصفويين الفرس ، صورنا ذلك على أنه جزء من الصراع التاريخي مع الفرس. كنا أو لم نكن نعام(لا أعرف) بأن هؤلاء الصفويين ليسوا بفرس بل هم أكراد و البعض يقول ترك. تعامينا عن حقائق لنقنع أنفسنا بأننا في صراع وجود مع أن السذج منا يعرفون أنه صراع الغرب ضدنا جميعا عربا و فرسا، شيعة و سنة. اليوم يقلب الصراع الى طائفي مقيت ما يزيده سوء عن الأول أنه أضحى بفتك بمحتمعنا قبل أن يفتك بمن جعلناه عدوا.

Supporting of Hezbollah in Lebanon

Sunday, October 08, 2006
Most Lebanese—including majorities across all major religious groups—support Hezbollah in its conflict with Israel and distrust the United States as a mediator, according to a recent Lebanese poll.
Palestinians also overwhelmingly support both Hezbollah and the Hamas militants who captured an Israeli soldier last month, provoking Israeli attacks on Gaza. Israelis, meanwhile, believe their military should press its attacks against Hezbollah until the militia is either destroyed or pushed back from Lebanon’s southern border.
Eighty-seven percent of the Lebanese back Hezbollah’s response to “Israeli aggression,” the Beirut Center for Research and Information found in survey taken July 24-26. That included strong majorities in Lebanon’s four major religious groups: 96 percent of Shiites, 87 percent of Sunnis, 80 percent of Christians; and 80 percent of Druze.
The survey of 800 citizens was conducted by Lebanese pollster Abdo Saad. A press release on the center’s website said the poll was conducted “according to confessional and regional distribution, including the opinion of the displaced” by the Israeli offensive. But it did not give a margin of error or discuss methodology.
Asked whether they believed the United States was playing the role of an “honest mediator” in the crisis, nine out of ten Lebanese (90%) said no. Again this response included majorities across all groups: Shiites (94%), Sunnis (92%), Druze (89%) and Christians (85%). An overwhelming majority of Lebanese (86%) also answered no to the question of whether the United States had adopted “a positive stand regarding Lebanon in this war.” More than eight out of ten in all groups answered in the negative.
A majority of the Lebanese polled also said they supported Hezbollah’s decision to capture two Israeli soldiers to demand an exchange for prisoners held by Israel. Lebanese Shiites (96%) were the most supportive of Hezbollah’s actions followed by Sunnis (73%) and Christians (55%). Only among the Druze, a sect that broke with Islam centuries ago, did less than a majority (40%) say they supported Hezbollah’s action.
Slightly more than half of Lebanon’s population is Muslim, divided about equally between Sunnis and Shiites, according to figures cited in a 2005 U.S. State Department report on religious freedom. About 40 percent are Christian and six percent are Druze.
The July 12 cross-border attack led to a massive Israeli counterattack that has left hundreds of Lebanese dead and forced thousands to flee their homes. But most Lebanese believe that Hezbollah, which has continued to fire shells at across the border, will survive the Israeli offensive. According to the Beirut Center’s poll, 63 percent of all Lebanese said that Israel would be unable to defeat Hezbollah. Majorities of Lebanese Sunnis (72 percent), Shiites (94%) and Druze (55%) agreed. Less than half of Lebanese Christians (38%), however, thought that the Israeli effort to break Hezbollah would fail.
Polls of Palestinians also show overwhelming support for the Palestinian militants who captured an Israeli solder on June 25. Over the following month an Israeli offensive has killed some 160 Palestinians in the Gaza strip and cut off much of the territory’s electricity. A survey conducted July 24 by An-Najah University in the West Bank town of Nablus found that 91 percent of Palestinians supported the militants’ demands that the soldier only be released in exchange for prisoners held by Israel. Ninety-six percent of those polled—800 Palestinians on the West Bank and 500 in Gaza—also said they had a positive opinion of Hezbollah.
Israelis also overwhelmingly back their armed forces’ conduct and a majority oppose any immediate halt in the offensive. According to a poll taken July 31 for the newspaper Maariv, eight in ten Israelis are satisfied or very satisfied with the performance of the Israeli military in Lebanon and seven in ten (74%) are pleased with their political leaders. Asked what the Israeli government should have done following the Qana bombing, 61 percent said “continue the war uninterruptedly,” according to a BBC translation of the questions. Twenty-nine percent favored a 48-hour halt to the aerial campaign and only nine percent thought Israel should stop fighting and enter negotiations.
A poll taken July 28 by the Dahuf Institute for the newspaper Yediot Aharont found that seven in ten (71%) supported using more military force in Lebanon. Asked what Israel’s next step should be, 48 percent said fight until Hezbollah is destroyed and 30 percent said drive the militia away from the border. Only 21 percent wanted to stop fighting and negotiate.

Monday 2 October 2006

The moderate axes

Monday, October 02, 2006

The American secretary office is coming to th middle east to support the American allies against the extremist regimes and resistance groups, American allies are classified by western media as moderate while those who oppose its planes to divide the middle east in sectarian territories are classified as extremists. Syria which is classified as extremist has its own occupied lands. These lands are occupied by Israel which is refusing to withdraw from it. Olmert has said that The Syrian Land will not be given back to Syria in his era and adds that it is a part of Israel. I don't know what America will do if Hawaii is invaded by any foreign troops but I am sure that it will fight and destroy who only thing in doing such this step. Syria also has the right to fight or even to support who are fighting to get back their lands. The moderate axes which is forming now a days in the middle east is the axes of those who sold their honor in place of their power. Some may ask, Jordan has held a peace agreement with Israel and its lands had gotten back with out blood smells and destroyed cities?!

I shall say in such case that Jordan had never gotten back its lands. What it did is just a fabricated getting. Jordan , and as a part of the peace agreement has rented its lands to Israel for 99 years and that is exactly what Israel needs from Syria.


The moderate axes

Monday, October 02, 2006

The American secretary office is coming to th middle east to support the American allies against the extremist regimes and resistance groups, American allies are classified by western media as moderate while those who oppose its planes to divide the middle east in sectarian territories are classified as extremists. Syria which is classified as extremist has its own occupied lands. These lands are occupied by Israel which is refusing to withdraw from it.  Olmert has said that The Syrian Land will not be given back to Syria in his era and adds that it is a part of Israel. I don't know what America will do if Hawaii is invaded by any foreign troops but I am sure that it will fight and destroy who only thing in doing such this step. Syria also has the right to fight or even to support who are fighting to get back their lands. The moderate axes which is forming now a days in the middle east is the axes of those who sold their honor in place of their power. Some may ask, Jordan has held a peace agreement with Israel and its lands had gotten back with out blood smells and destroyed cities?!
I shall say in such case that Jordan had never gotten back its lands. What it did is just a fabricated getting. Jordan , and as a part of the peace agreement has rented its lands to Israel for 99 years and that is exactly what Israel needs from Syria.

