Monday 31 July 2006

A Massacre in Lebanon

I don't need comments on these pictures. I only need you to tell me if you see such a thing before. It is happened somewhere in this planet. It is really happened in Lebanon by Israeli army and American Weapons.

مجزرة في وحه الضمير العربي الخائن


الاثنين‏، 31‏ تموز‏، 2006

لا أعرف كيف ينامون.أعرف فقط انهم منهزمون و بهزيمتهم يحاولون ان يحولوا الجميع الى شاكلة تشبه شاكلنهم. انهم علينا نمورا و أسودا يسوموننا سوء العذاب و على غيرنا قططا تنوي تنتظر من صاحبها أن يرمي لها قطعة من بقايا طعامه دون جدوى. الأبرياء يموتون تحت أسقف منازلهم وهم في الخمارات و بيوت الدعارة يناضلون. بئس أمة أنتم فيها و انتم مفكروها.

Saturday 29 July 2006

في ضوء فتوى ابن جبرين

في ضوء فتوى ابن حبرين، شيوخ التحليل و التحريم
‏السبت‏، 29‏ تموز‏، 2006

بصراحة لم أفاجأ بفتوى ابن جبرين الذي حرم فيها الدعاء بالنصر لحزب الله باعتباره شيعيا و هو ما يجعله بنظره و نظرالخرافات الوهابية كافرا. هذه المدرسة التخريفية تلقى عليها كل هزائم الامة. هم و اتباعهم مشايخ سلطان جاهزون عند الطلب للافتاء بما يتوافق مع السياسة السعودية . سابقا أفتى ابن باز بجواز الاستعانة بالامريكان لاستعادة الكويت من القةات العراقية في مخالفة صريحة لاية الموالاة الشهيرة الموجودة في القرأن. الكل يعرف ان السعوديين لا يحتاجون لفتوى للتصرف في مخططاتهم الانهزامية الا أن فتوى من شيخ بدوي لا ضير بها لاصباغ التلاؤم مع الشريعة لسياساتهم و توجهاتهم بغية اقناع الناس المساقين خلفهم كالبعير بأنهم حماة الدين وخادمي الحرمين. لقد تحول رجال الدين الى ادوات تحلل و تحرم و تعطي صك الغفران و شهادة الدخول للجنة لمن يود و لمن يدفع أكثر.

Tuesday 25 July 2006

The new form of Syrian opposition

The new form of Syrian opposition
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Lebanese people are dying and some of the Syrian oppositions have invited to a summit in Jerusalem and to cut the relations with Iran. This is an example of those who claim that they are the best substitute for the current Syrian authority. When the invited  to  this summit, they had meant to establish a kind of a relation ship with Israel. They also claim that all problems with it could be solved easily and by dialogue. I don't think that they knew Israel well. Our people are dying in Lebanon by Israeli army who is using American missiles and they want a dialogue. The only reasoning of that invention is a try from this opposition to tell us that we are here and need your immediate help to remove the authority which supports the terrorist groups. It is a poor try and valueless ness way.

Saturday 22 July 2006

Israel and its new adventure

Israel and its new adventure
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Israel is going to invade the southern Lebanon. It really doesn't know the way to finish this war. As its ally, US, it knows how to enter wars and doesn't know how to finish it. The only war which predicts its date and its end was the 1967 war. All other wars won it partially. In those wars it needed the UN and US help to end its adventures. Is this war a new succeeded adventure for Israel or it is a serious sign for its future defeat in the Middle East? We should wait and see the developments.

ملاحظات على هامش المعركة

ملاحظات على هامش المعركة
‏السبت‏، 22‏ تموز‏، 2006

1- و منها ينبت قرن الشيطان:
هل كان محمد بن عبد الوهاب هو قرن الشيطان الذي سينبت في نجد كما أخبر الرسول الكريم؟
أجزم بأنه قرن الشيطان . كثيرة هي الحركات الاصلاحية التي انتهت الى أفكار وثنية ،انعزالية حاقدة متطرفة تبث الفتن و تجلب الذل و العار للأمم و منها الحركة الوهابية و أتباعها.
2-أخر فتوى:
هو أنه حرام على أهل السنة دعم الرافضة في جنوب لبنان(فتوى وهابية من الكاهن ابن جبرين). والله انهم الرافضة و هم الخوارج و الاشاعرة و الانبطاحيين و الانهزاميين و الخونة و الوثنيين.
اغلقوا قنوات المجد و اقرأ و كل قنوات الحقد التي تبث في الأمة الفرقة .

Wednesday 19 July 2006

Will fail as soon as soon as no body can expect

Will fail as soon as no body can expect
Thursday, July 20, 2006      

They are trying to assassinate Hassan Nasrallah. Some Arabs will be happy if they succeed; however, others will revolute on their rulers. Every one in this poor Middle East can see how some newspapers and TV stations are happy to what happened in Lebanon. They try to advice that the right is not with the resistance and it should accept what they ask it for. Al-Arabia which is broadcasting from Dubai can be compared to Fox news. The Fox is supporting the American occupation of Iraq while Al-Arabia is supporting the Israeli war on Lebanon. We all still remember how this channel support what it is called the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon. That revolution was having a one main goal; Disarming Hezbollah. This goal was hidden. The appeared on was expelling Syrian troops from Lebanon. The hidden goal is appearing now. The same channel which supported the Cedar Revolution is supporting its second chapter which is executed by Israel and which will fail as soon as no body can expect.      

Monday 17 July 2006

We must condemn them

We must condemn them
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

We must condemn Saudi Arabia because it used to attack the resistance groups which escaped from its intelligence control. Saudi had supported Yasser Arafat through three decades. It planed for him and advised him; however, he didn't get any thing from its support except billions of dollars which used for gambling in Monte Carol. Now and after it thought it had controlled Lebanon. Something has happened and destroyed all its planes. Now Saudi Arabia is waiting the Hezbollah's defeat. It will be the happiest regime in the region which will declare its happiness. Saudi Arabia has an internal problem. Its regime has been built on a extreme view of the other. The other here is the Shiite. Saudi Arabia has a large immunity of Shiite who is living in the eastern side of its territory. The problem is that their regions are the richest regions in all Arabic peninsulas.  About 90% of total Saudi Arabia oil production is produced from Shiite's region. A lot of confident sources have told that if there are any planes to divide the Saudi Arabia and give a small territory for Alsouod, they will prefer to rule the western side which will give any of its rulers a power of money. It is a very complex issue . we can say one fact that all the media in this poor middle east is under petrodollar power which is  doing all things to guarantee it continuous ruling for the middle east.  

Sunday 16 July 2006

Syrian Bloggers: Today, we are all lebanese

Syrian Bloggers: Today, We Are All Lebanese

Today, we are all Lebanese.Lebanon has been sentenced to death. On Wednesday 12 July, she was put in prison, and now she's being tortured.Israel's war is with Lebanon's civilians, not Hizbollah. Nearly every person killed has been a civilian. Power stations, bridges and petrol stations have been targeted. Israel has warned residents to get out of certain villages, but bombed roads to make it difficult - and refugee convoys have been picked out for deadly air raids.And getting out of the country is impossible now too. The airport has been destroyed, the sea ports are blockaded, and the border posts and highways have been razed to the ground.Lebanon is held hostage to the angry Israeli war machine. And now more than ever, Syrians bloggers, just like every Syrian stand by her.Another generation of Lebanese will know nothing but war. We can't let this happen, again.

سيد المقاومة و السعودية

السعودية تريده ماخور لفقرائها و بعض اغنيائها و نصر الله يريده صامدا مجاهدا
‏الاثنين‏، 17‏ تموز‏، 2006

السعودية باختصار تريد من لبنان أن يكون ماخورا يحوي فقراءها الذين لا يستطيعون السفر و الانفاق في مونتيكارلو و كان .......وتريده مصدرا للجواري لأمرائها و ثلة من أغنيائها الذين يدمنون الجنس و معاقرة الخمر. ميزة سيد المقاومة انه رفض هذه المعادلة بل انه صنع معادلة جديدة غيرت من صورة هذا البلد في عيون الكثيرين. لعقود كان لبنان مرتبطا في ذهن العرب العاربة بالمتعة و الترفيه المرتبط بأندية الرقص و القمار لكن ما لم يكن يعرف عنه أنه مصنع لأبطال لم تلد العروبة مثلهم. غير هؤلاء الصورة بل انهم أحدثوا انقلابا أذهل الكثيرين خصوصا بعد انتصار أيار ال2000.حماس السعودية لاعمار لبنان كان مرتبطا في رغبة منها في تنفيس الاحتقان الذي يعانيه شعبها تحت سلطة أصولية من جماعة الامر بالمعروف و النهي عن المنكر. يروي الكثيرون كيف ان ضيق أفق السعودية جعلها في بداية الثمانينات تسحب كل لوحات سيارات مواطنيها و المقيمين فيها قبل مغادرة الأراضي السعودية حتى لا يساء الى سمعتها بوقوف معظم هذه السيارات امام المواخير الليلية في بلاد الاصطياف.

Friday 14 July 2006

The serious question now

The serious question now
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Let us talk frankly about Saudi Arabia? Is it surprised what it declared yesterday evening by a responsible source who condemned  Hezbollah and accused him that it is taking the region to an adventure? The logical answers is no. Who is monitoring the Saudi media during more than three years and especially in 2005 will not surprise of what it declared yesterday. Saudi is clearly using its media to support the American interests in the region and it used to incite on the anti-Israeli camp in the region. We must link the assassination of Rafiq Al-hariri and the accidents in Lebanon. What we can conclude from that assassination was a tool to Disarm Hezbollah and when it failed to do that, Israel and its allies in the region turn to use power to apply what it have planed. Another failure they will face through their current attack. The serious question now is what will be the destiny of the Saudi and Jordanian regime? We should wait to get the right answer instead of prediction.

Thursday 13 July 2006

We are not afraid

We are not afraid
Friday, July 14, 2006

Israel can't afraid us. It is proving day after day that it is weaker than we think. The weak side is who uses the extreme violence and that is particularly what Israel has been done during Thursday. Depletion of other choices and its disability to take a serious and valuable decision push it to attack Lebanon without known limits. What is going on between Israel and Hezbollah might be the most serious sign of the beginning of its collapse. All its Air Strikes and tanks stopped opposite the brave fully resistance and desire in victory or martyrdom.  

Shekel and Stock Market in Israel after the bloody thusrday

  TEL AVIV (Reuters)
Israeli markets sank on Thursday for a second straight day as Israel struck Lebanon in response to the capture of two soldiers by Hizbollah guerrillas, the worst fighting on the northern border in a decade.
The Israeli shekel <ILS=> weakened by as much as two percent against the dollar and stocks lost four percent in early trade as Israel attacked Beirut airport and Hizbollah fired rockets at Nahariya in northern Israel.
The benchmark Tel Aviv 100 index <.TA100> was off 3.7 percent to 766.61 points at 0819 GMT while the blue chip TA-25 <.TA25> shed 3.5 percent to 755.06.
"There was a bit of a panic, certainly among domestic investors, but not foreign investors," said Richard Gussow of Excellence Nessuah.
"The domestic investors thought foreigners would start a sell-off and we have not seen that at all."
On Wednesday the shekel, which last week hit a 13-1/2-month high against the dollar, slid more than 1 percent while the Tel Aviv share indices lost over four percent, the largest one-day drop in stocks since August 2005.
The shekel opened on Thursday at 4.54 shekels per dollar, compared with Wednesday's official rate of 4.4340 and its weakest level since April 26.
Within minutes though, the Israeli currency pared some of those losses and at 0819 GMT it was trading at 4.5052.
"The north (of Israel) is exploding," a dealer at the Union Bank of Israel said.
Israel intensified its reprisals on Thursday, enforcing a naval blockade in Lebanon's territorial waters.
Israeli attacks have killed 36 Lebanese civilians.
In the northern Israeli town of Nahariya, one Israeli civilian was killed and at least 21 wounded when Hizbollah rockets slammed into homes and apartment buildings.
The violence was the worst between Israel and Lebanon since 1996 when Israeli troops still occupied part of the south. It coincided with a major Israeli offensive into the Gaza Strip to retrieve a captured soldier and halt Palestinian rocket fire.
Israeli markets had grown used to attacks by Palestinian militants over the past few years, taking the view that any army retaliation would be swift and would not lead to full-scale war.
As a result, foreign banks have remained largely bullish on Israeli stocks.
The direction of the market now will depend on how long the violence continues.
"If it's a relatively short situation and the market senses it will be short we will see a recovery, " Gussow said. "If the situation is dragged out it will continue to weigh on equities."
The longer this goes on, the more of an impact it will have on the Israeli economy as well. Right now, Gussow said he does not see a significant impact.

ابحثوا عن أل سعود

ابحثوا عن أل سعود
‏الخميس‏، 13‏ تموز‏، 2006

انها الحرب التي حاول الجميع تفاديها الا أنهك لم يفلحوا. البعض يريد تدخل الأخوة الكيار لكبح جماح الاسرائيليين و لكت هل الأخوة الكبار مستعدون لذلك؟ انه السؤال الصعب في ضوء معلومات متقاطعة عن تحريض هؤلاء الاخوة على المقاومة بل وسعيهم طوال السنة الماضية لتطبيق القرار 1595 بعد مساهمنهم باصداره . كل ذلك يتم ضمن النظرة الضيقة لثنائية الشيعة و السنة التي تحاول المشيخة الوهابية في الترويج لها و التحذير منها . لنفرض أن الأخوة الكبار يخشون فعلا المد الشيعي و تأثيراته في المنطقة ، ألم يكن الأجدر بهم دعم المقاومة بدلا من نركهل لمن يخشونه؟ مليارات الدولارات جندت في حرب  أفغانستان  لصرف العرب عن قضيتهم الأولى و الهائهم بحرب الملحدين حسب البروباغندا السعودية الوهابية.ما الذي جنيناه بعد كل هذا ؟ ارهاب و غزو "للكفرة "- حسب الوصف الوهابي – دون ردة فعل وهابية تناسب الحدث بل على العكس تم المساعدة في هذا الغزو و تمهيد الطريق له عبر اعلام بترولي كسر كل ما هو متعارف عليه.

Friday 7 July 2006

مساهمة في سد العجز الغذائي للأردن،سورية تصدر 100 ألف طن من الحبوب له

عماد سارة
‏الجمعة‏، 07‏ تموز‏، 2006

أعلنت سورية بأنها بدأت تنفيذ العقد الثاني المبرم مع الأردن لتصدير 100 الف طن من الحبوب السورية وأفاد المهندس نصال مبارك مدير مكتب الحبوب في محافظة درعا بأنه تم حتى الآن تصدير ما قيمته 17500 طن من القمح مشددا على أن عمليات التصدير تتم وفق البرنامج الزمني المحدد وبالمواصفات الفنية المتفق عليها.
من جهة اخرى أعلنت المنطقة الحرة السورية الأردنية في منطقة درعا بأن قيمة البضائع الداخلية إليها بلغت حوالي 295 مليون دولار خلال الشهور الخمسة الأولى من العام الحالي وبلغ وزن البضائع حوالي 581 ألف طن اما عدد السيارات الداخلة والخارجة فقد بلغ حوالي 44 ألف سيارة .

From the eye of the storm

Sami Abdel-Shafi in Gaza
Friday July 7, 2006
The Guardian

After causing long term damage to civilian life and inflicting mass punishment on the Gaza Strip, it is perhaps the Israeli leaders who deserve sympathy, for having to live with the guilt of what they have done. Gazans will not send a mayday from the eye of the storm. Instead they will continue to survive and improvise in the intolerable conditions that they have been subjected to for so long.
This crossed my mind as I paced by an apricot tree I planted about a year and a half ago, during what I thought was one of the darkest periods for Gaza, to renew my hope for better times. A shoot then, and a young tree now, the apricot tree grew in defiance of Gaza's unfriendly skies, where Israeli airforce planes have replaced the birds.
The tree shakes to the low altitude sonic booms which Israeli F-16 jets blow into Gaza's skies. But its steadfastness inspires people, like me, to hold on and remain sane until the next unannounced breaking of F-16 hell, the humming of Apache helicopters and heavy artillery. It reminds me how difficult it must have been for people who had their orchards uprooted by the Israeli army in previous years in Gaza. Now it seems the army is back to uproot an entire population.
But Gazans would not compromise their humanity, even with the escalating military operation. Contrary to the insinuations of Israel's media and public relations machine, the majority of Gazans truly hope that Israel's hostage soldier is treated humanely and eventually freed. Palestinians dearly miss the basic human rights that Israel's military occupation has deprived them of for so many years, and would not wish their loss on any soldier.
Ariel Sharon's government conjured up every possible measure to drown Palestinians in every aspect of life. It stretched for so long that the world grew used to it. Ehud Olmert's government, which started out ostensibly dovish, responded to the disappearance of the Israeli soldier in Gaza with shameful haste. What is not understandable is why Israel chose to disable Gaza's power station and blow the major arteries of infrastructure that are necessary for life. This is Israel's response to Palestinian attacks that used homemade, less harmful, rockets. Whether Israel's action is reactionary or not, the nature of their retaliation is going far beyond any reason.
It is already too late for Israel to pretend to be avoiding civilian death. Civilians were compromised by the first attack on Gaza's infrastructure. Still, Israel has the audacity to boast that it is acting on world opinion that civilians must be spared. Moreover, Israel's admittance of food and fuel to Gaza in the wake of their initial attack seems humanitarian, but the supplies are far below the minimum requirements of the 1.4 million residents.
Mass destruction and punishment of Palestinians amounts to questionable morals. In future years it will embarrass the state of Israel. It probably already saddens every peace-loving Israeli.
The genuine hope is that Palestinians will not become entrenched in this sad human tragedy and instead concern themselves with resolution. Palestinians should be alert to Olmert's plan to devour the livelihood of the West Bank and east Jerusalem, having turned Gaza into a swamp of sorrow. This is the "New Gaza" that will take many months and hundreds of millions of dollars to bring back to what it used to be just a week ago, the "Old Gaza".
The apricot tree will somehow live, like many other trees around Gaza, and will, I hope, continue to inspire.

