Sunday 21 November 2010

Harry Potter-The Dealthly Hallows: A self experience

Harry Potter-The Dealthly Hallows: A self experience

Well , it is a new harry potter with a new adventure and the way to the end of his adventures. It was my first experience with his adventures . I didn't read his novels and didn't watch his films before the Dark Hallow . It seems that the action has spread all over the film. The special effects have put some of its magical sense on the fil.

I can't talk a lot about this film , simply because I don't have the needed tools to rate it. You have to follow up the previous episodes to have a full idea about what s going on on the screen . Without the watching or reading the previous episodes , you can't get the interesting moments you wish from attending such movie in the theatre.

I was close to classify it as a horror movie . The sounds effects and the the graphic has used have pushed me for a while to consider it as a horror movie. This is the final chapter of the Harry potter adventure. After six volumes of the novel and the successful movies , the final chapter which we are following has been split into two parts . The second part will be in the theatres By 2011 . It is always a conflict between the good and the evil nd that is the conclusion.


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