Sunday 15 July 2007

A problem of a lot of problems

A view from Syrian traditional market in Aleppo(from Agencies)

Mustafa Hamido

ACTUALLY ,WE ARE FACING A PROBLEM IN ELECTRICITY IN SYRIA. It is not a new thing for people here. They had faced such this problem in early 1990's due to a lot of reasons. The main reason for all that is the corruption . Syrian bureaucratic system is totally corrupted .Changing ministers and prime ministers has not effected any thing here. The problem is not actually in the officials which are temporary in their responsibilities . It is actually in those who have spent decades in authorizations and ministries. The mentality itself should be changed. Any real talk about reform will not be real without a real talk about the mentality. Electricity is not the only problem which the mentality is accused in. it is just a symbol about what we are facing in Syria. Because electricity is more connected to basic people needs, we are talking about it here. If you go to the telecommunication sector you will see disasters. Fortunately we are not enough developed to connect our life to this sector, however, we are at the end of the rank in telecommunication in comparison to our neighbors in the region. Frankly, we need a real change in the officials' mentality to achieve a real reform and development.


  1. I think Syria ranks end in most things and is the latest technology adopter in the region. Weren't we one of the last M.E. countries to introduce the Internet?

    I don't know the actual reasons for the power outage problems in Syria. Your reasons are logical, but I also think the infrastructure is weak, and the reliance on the hydro-generated electricity is an ignorant investment in a region that is plagued by deserts.

    This is 2007, and we're not some poor country in Africa, yet we can't manage to sustain drinking water or continuous power to the main cities in Syria, so just think how bad the smaller towns and villages have it. It's embarassing to say the least.

    As for the elected officials, they're nothing more than "hoshet 3arab" with no real management skills or project management experience. They are unfit for the job, and most of them win their seats according to the size of the food banquets they hold and how many of their stupid pictures they plaster all over the walls in the cities.


