Monday 26 November 2012

A better understanding of Syria crisis

Syria will win its war against the western intervention in its affairs. This is a clear fact for me at least . I have no doubt in our victory as the Collapse of Syria will lead to a serial of collapses in the region ending with a new western colonial era in the Middle East .
The war in Syria is not with rebels as the media trying to persuade its viewers . The misleading of the international opinion is part of this war . Many of my friends asked me about what is going there and whether  I am with Bashar Assad or against him . I simply answered that the issue was not a personal , it was a destiny of a nation wanted to live secular without any extremist influence on its life style .
The western media has tried to focus on the humanitarian crisis in Syria . It is not asking what is the reason of this crisis . The arms which are supplied by the west or its tools in the region are the main cause of this crisis . Syria has lived for decades in peaceful and table community . The western intervention is which pushed the situation to be a it seems .
I still remember that the government has opened a hospital near my home . This hospital has served thousands of people through years . This hospital has increased the quality of the people life and given them a better understanding about the quality of life . This hospital has been burnt and destroyed by the terrorists at the beginning of the current crisis .


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