Sunday 25 March 2007

A new Syrian Satellite channel

Mustafa Hamido

A new Syrian Satellite channle will arrive to its viewer by the end of This week. Al-Donia which means in english(Land or Earth) will start its broadcasting from Damascus to be the first Syrian independent satellite channel . Cham was to be the first one, however, The Syrian authoriiteis stopped it due to legal issues. The new Syrian Channel will cover the Syria political life in addition to Arabic one .Sports and varieties will be in its intersest. Syria is lacking to a good coverage to its social and political liffe due to the weakness of the official media which is controlled by Syrian governmen , so this channel may bridge the gap between the people and the Syrian media.


  1. hey thank you for this good news!
    hpe they don't close it as they did with Cham!!

  2. Interesting article. Listen to Griffin!!


