Friday 2 June 2006

A message to whom it concerns

A message to whom it concerns
Friday, June 02, 2006

Dr. Bashar Al-Assad appeared with Syrian top officers attending a well organized military training last week. It is a message to whom it concerns that Syria is ready for expected and unexpected developments. Syrian army is dedicated to defend Syria from any external interfering in its affairs .



  1. Syrian army was neve dedicated to defend syria.. it was always about keeping the baath in control..

    plus, Syrian army conot defend a broken house if they wanted to... the lack of equipments, disipline, and enthusiasm because of years of Humiliation [they call it training].. Syrian Army is out of morales my friend.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Sorry Mustafa - it deleted my OWN comment ... I felt I needed to make some changes! Here it is ...

    Eventhough I am a total outsider what Syria per se and especially army-matters concers, I do have an opinion and that's what I want to voice!
    I do not know much about the country but I have distinctly the impression that the Syrian people do love their homeland and, together with the army, are ready to defend it against any possibly looming danger as well as intruder! Dr. al-Assad appears to be a most intelligent and level-headed leader leader who is striving to advance his country from all kinds of aspects and improve the living-conditions of the people ... who, in return, seem to love him dearly.
    I find it unjust to say the army "can not defend a broken house" - every army strives to have top equipment ... the question is if it can aquire it or not! As to "humiliation=training ..
    what makes you say that Yazan? Army-training is NO FUN AT ALL (I do very well remember my brother-in-law) and can be indeed humiliating at times but it should prepare a soldier for the real thing in which nobody will stand in front of him and salute him either! Out of morals? I have trouble to imagine that ... with the love they feel for their country, I would say the moral factor is pretty much taken care of!
    Alltogether, Yazan, I find your view rather lopsided but of course do respect it - the way I expect you to respect mine!

  4. I Love Munich,
    You are obviously a bit ignorant about syrian internal affairs.
    Syria is under a dictatorship, President Bashar's reform promises are all of vague, last 2 weeks were black days, the cracked down on all dissidents left outside of jail, and they're putting them to trials with sentences of up to death penalty. just for speaking their mind out.
    The economy is choking. CHOKING.
    The Army, is the best example of what this regime has turned Syria into... bribary, humiliation, sectarianism, corruption are only facts... nevermind the old equipments, lack of maintenance..
    I can not see president Bashar's reform promises anywhere.. unemplyment is on the rise, political reform is going backward day by day, foriegn policy is a disgrace to syria [even in the days of Hafez Assad the father who was a brutal dictator too, the foriegn policy of syria was the only thing the baathists could proud themselves of], now our foriegn policy is a disaster, Syria is isolated.
    Syrian Army is my national army.. writing this is VERY bitter for me. but these are facts. these are the results of a 43 years worth of dictatorship. Syria needs a real change.. a real reform, away from Mafia-families-like rulers.
    This country has always been a great one, it's a shame what they've turned it into.. and the worst thing is the way they crushed the morales of syrians, the way they crushed their hopes and dreams, and will...

  5. Syria, is my homeland, I will fight for it until the last breath. but now the real fight in syria is for freedom and democracy, to build a modern state that can give syrians their citizinship back, that can make them feel Human again.. that can take back the golan.

  6. I actually agree with Yazan on this one. The Syrian army will fall apart as soon as the US land's its first bomb on Syria. It's no different from Iraq. The generals and the officers will sell their president of an onion.

    The real war the US (or any invader for that matter) will have to fight is not with the official army, but against the people themselves, again, like in Iraq. And the people and their spirit can never be defeated. Certainly not the Muslims.

  7. Yazan, you are being too hard on your country and your people. As a Syrian citizen who is supposed to love and defend his country, especially on international arenas, you are doing what the country’s enemies do. I doubt you are a Syrian, or an Arab even. I, like I Love Munich, am an outsider, but I cannot imagine someone who holds such a grudge against his own country. What you say does contradict what every FAIR individual thinks of Syria in general, and President Assad in particular. I’m just a Pro-Arab fighter against the injustice of the United States and the atrocities committed by Israeli terrorist leaders. I feel really sorry that non-Syrians have to convince you to love your homeland. Don’t you see the hectic and frenetic campaigns against Syria by both the States and it’s puppet state of Israel? The promised reform cannot be realized overnight, but you should see the wider margin of freedom and democracy in Syria. Please get ashamed of yourself, and stop speaking out your enmity to your homeland. You can criticize your rulers on a domestic arena, but not on international arenas. The slogans people like you usually trade in are well known to everybody. Blog visitors are too intelligent and too educated to believe what you ignorantly say. What death sentences are you talking about? It seems you forget the world is now a small village. Those who work for spreading sectarianism must be tried and jailed. Out of the hundreds who signed the Beirut-Damascus Statement only 12 have been arrested, but not for signing the statement, but for reasons linked to spreading sectarianism. Those villains who try to make heroes out of themselves are despised by the Syrian people. If you belong to the opposition, you should point out both positive and negative aspects, rather than focus only on malicious and vexatious ones. What do you say to Syria’s stands towards the Palestinian refugees fleeing Iraq? Wasn’t that a noble stand by President Assad? How do you that audaciously forget about the role of the Syrian army both during the 1973 war and the following war of attrition? What do you say to the rare or even unique security the Syrian people have enjoyed for too many years? The Syrian economy is one of the strongest in your region. Salaries of government employees are low, but living expenses are also very low. In Syria you can live up to your income – you can buy cheap but healthy food for the family. Damascus is a modern city that can compare to any European city. It’s more than enough for any Syrian and Arab to pride himself/herself on President Assad for his steadfast stances in the face of the U.S.A. and Israel. A country facing such pressures cannot be expected to be in a prosperous condition as if no land is occupied and no enemy is lying in ambush to swoop down on it. Yazan, you’d better try and find a garbage dump to bury yourself under because you are not worthy of life as a Syrian. Just get ashamed of yourself, Yazan. Wake up, and be fair to your people and homeland. Scores of non-bloggers who read your comments could not but spit at you. Don’t try to appear as the best knowing – you know nothing except how to hold grudge against your country and how to voice you enmity to your people.

    I do salute Mustafa Hamido, the blogger, for his patriotic spirit. Go ahead, Mustafa, and don’t care about such weirdoes. You are in the right. It’s good that you removed your previous “editor choice”, which did not go with the morals of your people, whether artistically or ethically. I also thank “I love Munich” for being that fair and for teaching Yazan a lesson in patriotism.

  8. Excuse me?
    Who exactly are u to question my patriotism!!

    Wow, this is way over the line.
    I'm a Syrian, who loves his country more than anything. I believe u owe me a HUGE apology. not that I care.

    My arguments were never against the country, they were against the dictatorship, the soviet-like regime.

    wow. wow. this is appauling.

  9. nd btw, ur arguments, are so lame that I cant even start to eply to them.. [no offense ya3ni].. that's why I'm gonna leave it here.

  10. To Justice - it was not my intention to teach Yazan a lesson in patriotism ... all I did was voice my opinion as outsider - no more!

  11. bismillah

    Well I know Justice didn't aim his argument to me, but I guess it is in my nature to argue anyway. So I hope you'll excuse me while I give my opinion.

    First of all, I don't see why Yazan got so offended. Nationalism/Tribalism/patriots are the lowest bond a man can possibly have. What exactly is your patriotic bond based on ya Yazan? Why do you love Syria so much? Do you just love the political boundaries that the Europeans drew after the first world war? What if they drew Syria including a small region of what is today Iraq, would you then feel the same affiliation towards that region that today you don't feel at all?

    Maybe it's not the political boundaries. Could I say the rulers and the system? No, as we all know, and agree, the system is a corrupt and inefficient system that needs to be changed.

    So what is it? The people? What about the people that created for you that enormous patriotic bond? Accent? Food? Jokes? A combination? Is that what you're willing to die for?

    Nationalism is an animal bond. It is similar to the bond between a wolf pack or a herd of gazels. It doesn't make much sense for a human except in times of war. In times of war, rulers tend to play with the people's emotions and use nationalism to excit and infuriate the people. Like Abdel Nasser in Egypt, or more recently, the US ever since the "war on terror" started.

    alternativly, you can have a bond between people who think alike. People with the same concept, same belief and same goal. An ideological bond that surpacess language, race or nation. Such a bond is to die for. Not nationalism.

    Just my two cents.

  12. A word to Abdul Rahman Hilmi:

    May I greet you as well with the credo of your faith which I respect and cherish greatly?

    If you don't mind, I would like to address a few points you stressed in your response to Yazan and consequently the post of "justice"!
    The one sentence which did hit the alarm-button and moved me to get back to you, is "nationalism is an animal bond"! I couldn't disagree more! Nationalism is described as an ideolgy, ethnically or culturally defined which means nothing else than nations being the fundamental units for human social life. Resulting from that are political and as well cultural aspects which are based on just that above mentioned fact!
    In this context I can very well understand Yazan's statement to be a patriotic Syrian and to love his country "more than anything"! Having been born in a certain country and having grown up there, shared cultural events, found friends, studied the history of this country, mourning the falled on memorial-days does inevitably create an unseen bond, does make one's heart smile with pride when seeing it's flag, hearing it's national anthem - I can hardly imagine it would not touch you at all!
    I don't know where you're at right now but would you all of a sudden hear "HUMAT AL DYIAR" .. wouldn't your heart add a beat? I guess it would as it is only natural, would you deny that, I would not believe it.
    You mention ideological bonds, people with the same concept, same believe and same goal - I have to agree, they are highly desirable to aquire but do in my humble opinion not replace that bond a person has to his/her country!
    Any such statement would be a dedicated disregard of facts which can not be denied nor ignored!

    I do not know if the fact a woman tells you all that, does go conform with your ideology (I checked in your blog) but after having read almost the entire Holy Qur'an and having found first-hand that women and men are considered equal before Allah, I want to blindly assume it does not cause you any trouble!

  13. Hello 'i love munich' (may I call you ILM from now on for simplicity?)

    First of all, Nationalism is not an ideology. An ideology is a system that includes social, political and economic rules and laws, sometimes encompassed within a spiritual system. Nationalism holds none of these.

    Believe me ILM, I have absolutly no affiliation towards Syria except for my passport. Nationalism is exactly what you said; history, music and food. As far as music and food, it is absolutly foolish to die for such things. History? hmm..well Algeria has a much more impressive history of struggle. What about Lebanon? Or the history of Somalia? Tell you what, what about the history of Germany even? Germany has a wonderful and very exciting history. So, on what grandeur would you put a nation over others because of their history? how would you judge? how would you even begin? The simple fact that I was born there means absolutly nothing to me. The sand is the sand of the Earth and the boundaries are drawn by Europeans and the flag is the flag of the UAR an Egyptian regime that treated Syria like a colony and I dare say, Gamal abel Nasser was more oppresive than Hafiz al Assad ever was. What affiliation do you want me to have with the land of Syria?

    Arabic is a language the originated in Yemen and then came to the Arabian peninsula. From the Arabian peninsula came the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who brought us Islam and through him and his khulafaah the Islam along with the Arabic language spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

    So it's not the language that I should feel afiliated with towards Syria, neither is it the religion as religion has no political boundaries. So what is it that should make me have any patriotic feelings?

    This is exactly why I think patriotism is an animal bond. It is an emotion which people feel and when you think about it, you really don't know why because it doesn't make any sense. It is a low emotion that has absolutly no thinking to it as to why I am willing to give my life for such a thing.

    I hope I did not offend you. If you prefer to stick to your nationalist bond then it is your free will, I'm only saying my opinion and I might be wrong.

    ILM said:-------
    I do not know if the fact a woman tells you all that, does go conform with your ideology (I checked in your blog) but after having read almost the entire Holy Qur'an and having found first-hand that women and men are considered equal before Allah, I want to blindly assume it does not cause you any trouble!
    The very fact you're asking this question makes me wonder...

  14. To Abdul Rahman Hilmi -

    Of course you may call me ILM - no problem at all!
    You did not offend me at all - I do respect other people's opinion the same way I expect them to respect mine! I want to make it short ... I am sorry but I can not agree to your analysis!
    On a personal basis I want to say I am proud to be German ... but feel more intensly as Bavarian - yes, patriotic! I feel here are my roots, were my ancesters ... I feel a strong bond connecting me to this place! What allows me to confidentally state it this way is the fact that I did a LOT of travelling in my life ... and always loved to return here! That made me understand there is something invisible, untouchable, an emotion perhaps - which binds me to this place!
    On the other I see myself as well as cosmopolitan ... I felt "home" at many places - but nothing felt like here, like my REAL home!
    To wrap up ... you wonder why I mentioned this last paragraph in my post to you? Well - you gave me kind of a signal which lead me to think this way: you were commenting to Mustafa (Aleppous) almost regularily and the moment I showed up here, you stopped. There was no word anymore from you - till this post! That gave me the idea, I might have been the reason! I am happy that you say it is NOT this way!

  15. No, actually I haven't been commenting on Aleppous regularly. I only made a couple of comments before, that's it.

    Well just for the record, I have absolutly no problem with women.

    take care

  16. To Abdul Rahman Hilmi ...

    I am happy to hear that! Thanks for clarifying ..

  17. "The real war the US (or any invader for that matter) will have to fight is not with the official army, but against the people"____If the US came into Syria to remove the Baathist rgime and set up free elections, why would the people fight them? Do the people want the current regime to continue as it is?___Not that a US invasion is at all likely. If you want democracy in Syria, the Syrians will have to fight for it themselves. That could involve a breakup of the country, as happened in Yugoslavia after the end of Communism. Is Syria really a natural country, or is it a lot of little states held together by the dominance of one minority?


